Our 2023-2024 Annual report
is now available
South Sudanese Health Matters Inc. (SSHMI) is a non-government, non-political and non-profit organisation set up to improve the lives of the people of Lou-Ariik village – and the surrounding communities – via health initiatives.
The formation of this NGO was inspired and driven by our CEO Mawien Ariik.
Our Work
In early 2023 SSHMI successfully supplied sanitary hygiene kits to girls and women in Lou-Ariik. Community health workers provided training in hygiene practices that is already showing benefit with less day’s absence from school by these girls during menstruation. This project will continue to be implemented each year with the aim to improve health, increase confidence and further reduce school absenteeism.
SSHMI is now progressing with its project to build and maintain a primary health care clinic within Lou Ariik.
These initiatives will make a real difference with meaningful and long-term outcomes for the community.
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Services
Sustainability and
Expansion Strategy
The work of SSHMI will be undertaken in collaboration with the local community. SSHMI will oversee the roll out of each project, but it will be the local community that will be empowered to run each operation.
Using a grassroots approach to help with long term sustainability; we will share the workload by way of contribution by locals as well as our project partners.
Building a fully equipped, locally managed primary health care clinic in Lou-Ariik Village in South Sudan is our focus over the coming months. With land already made available to us for this project, we aim to deliver a health care clinic with the support of the government, the local community, our supporters and donors.

Sustainability and Expansion Strategy
The work of SSHMI will be undertaken in collaboration with the local community. SSHMI will oversee the roll out of each project, but it will be the local community that will be empowered to run each operation.
Using a grassroots approach to help with long term sustainability; we will share the workload by way of contribution by locals as well as our project partners.
Building a fully equipped, locally managed primary health care clinic in Lou-Ariik Village in South Sudan is our focus over the coming months. With land already made available to us for this project, we aim to deliver a health care clinic with the support of the government, the local community, our supporters and donors.
Objectives and Goals
Our Partners, sponsors and supporters
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